Brand Tracking - Competitor Ad Tracking

Using Denote Brand Tracking Track every ad your competitors launch, draw inspiration from their creative strategies, and analyze to find their most effective creatives.

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Brand Tracking - Competitor Ad Tracking & Discover Latest Ads With Brand Tracker

Brand Tracking can help you save time!

Discover Competitors' Winning Methods

Tired of checking daily for competitor updates? Want timely updates on the latest ads in the industry? Struggling to find key information among countless ads? Looking to save time on competitor ad analysis? Denote Brand Tracking has got you covered!

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Discover Competitors' Winning Methods - Denote

Stop creating ads in the dark

Get real-time ad updates with Denote Brand Tracking. Powerful AI analysis will help you find the most valuable ad information. Monitor multiple competitors simultaneously to gain more comprehensive ad insights.

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Stop creating ads in the dark - Denote

1-Click Brand Tracking

With just one click, you can get a Tracking Board. Through it, you can always get the latest ad updates for the specified Brand. All ad information will be permanently saved under the Tracking Board until you delete it yourself.

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1-Click Brand Tracking - Denote

Powerful Data Analysis

Denote Brand Tracking provides data analysis for each Tracking Board, allowing you to quickly find the ads you want under the Brand: Top Spend Ads, Top Performing Ads, and Top Longest Running Ads.

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Powerful Data Analysis - Denote

Extremely High Cost-Effectiveness

Even if you are a free user, you can use the Brand Tracking feature. Alternatively, you can purchase a plan to get more credits. Denote guarantees the most affordable prices.

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Extremely High Cost-Effectiveness - Denote

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

From the moment you start creating a tracking task, Brand Tracking will track these ads indefinitely. Any data updates to the ads will be synced to your Tracking Board.

Brand Tracking is a feature of Denote that allows you to get timely updates on new ads and data changes for the corresponding brand.

A Tracking Board is a board you create after using Brand Tracking. It saves the updated ad content of the brand, and you can also view the latest ad data of the brand on this board.

No, as long as you keep the ads on the Board, they will be permanently saved until you delete them yourself.

As long as you don't exceed the limit set by Brand Tracking, you can track an unlimited number of brands' ads.

Yes, once you use Brand Tracking on Denote to track a brand's ads, we will scrape the ads whether they are on TikTok, Meta, or Instagram.

Start Brand Tracking One Brand for free now!

Timely ad creative updates! Powerful ad data analysis!

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