A Simple Guide to Exporting Instagram Followers

A Simple Guide to Exporting Instagram Followers - Denote



Do you want to export your Instagram followers? Congratulations, you're in the right place! Before diving in, let's explore why exporting Instagram followers can be beneficial.

Why Export Instagram Followers

1. See Recent Connections

  • Easily track the recent connections of friends, family, or business partners.
  • Exporting the follower list helps identify new connections and understand their interests

2. Backup Your Data

  • Safeguard your Instagram data by creating a secure backup in a spreadsheet.
  • Ensure you have your valuable follower information even if you switch platforms or face account issues.

3. Analyze Your Audience

  • Gain insights into your followers' demographics (age, location, interests) for targeted marketing.
  • A spreadsheet format allows for a deeper analysis of your audience.

4. Competitive Edge

  • Analyze competitors' follower lists to discover growth opportunities and potential overlaps.
  • Refine your social media strategy by staying ahead of the competition.

How to Export Instagram Followers

Instagram lacks a built-in feature for exporting followers, but there are third-party tools like the IG Follower Export Tool. Here's a simple guide:

1. Download the IG Follower Export Tool Extension:

  • Click "Add to Chrome" on the extension page to start the download.

2. Install the Extension:

  • Confirm the installation by selecting "Add extension."

3. Log in with Your Instagram ID:

  • Ensure seamless access by logging into your Instagram account through the same browser.

4. Click on the IG Tools Icon:

  • Find and click on the IG Tools icon in your browser toolbar to open a popup page.

5. Open IG Tools Option Page:

  • Click on "Export Instagram Data" to access an option page for customization.
IG Tools - IG Follower Export Tool
IG Tools - IG Follower Export Tool

6. Input Instagram Profile Information:

  • Enter a valid Instagram profile URL or ID in the designated field.

7. Initiate Parsing:

  • Click "Start parsing" to let IG Tools process the data.
  • Download the list of followers or followings in CSV or Excel format upon completion.


Exporting Instagram followers offers valuable insights. This guide highlights the reasons and steps to export followers, emphasizing the benefits of the IG Follower Export Tool. The process, though involving third-party tools, is straightforward, and users can make informed decisions based on demographic data.

Additionally, the guide stresses the competitive advantage gained by analyzing competitors' followers responsibly. In the dynamic world of social media, exporting and analyzing follower data proves strategic for content tailoring, targeted marketing, and overall digital strategy. Ethical considerations and privacy concerns remain crucial, ensuring a responsible approach to third-party tool usage. In essence, exporting Instagram followers becomes a practical and insightful tool for individuals and businesses seeking growth and engagement on social media.