TikTok's Commercial Content Library: How to Use and Download Ads?

TikTok's Commercial Content Library,Denote

TikTok has launched a Commercial Content Library to to bring transparency to paid advertising and other content that's commercial in nature on TikTok. TikTok's Commercial Content Library promises to be another game-changer, specifically for digital marketers and businesses. In this blog, we'll guide you why the library matters, how to use it and how to download ads from CCL (Commercial Content Library).

Introducing TikTok's Commercial Content Library

The image shows the official definition of CCL on the TikTok website:

TikTok's Commercial Content Library

TikTok aims to enhance the digital advertising potential of its platform by providing advertisers with valuable insights and interactive features. The TikTok's Commercial Content Library is a collection of advertisements and other commercial content that is posted on the platform.

The Commercial Content Library consists of two main sub-libraries:
TikTok Ad Library:
○ Ad Library contains ads that have been paid for and displayed to users, including those that are currently inactive or have been paused by the advertisers.
Other commercial content:
○ This section includes content that promotes a brand, product, or service, but is not paid for by advertisers.

Please note that the Commercial Content Library only provides information on ads available to users in the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, and the UK at the moment. But is expected to expand to more regions.

Why TikTok's Commercial Content Library Matters and Who Needs it?

A groundbreaking innovation, the Commercial Content Library integrates essential data on creative adverts, dates the ad ran, main parameters used for targeting (e.g. age, gender), number of people who were served the ad, and even the audience that was served the ad.

For digital marketers, the significance of the Commercial Content Library cannot be overstated. With access to this repository of advertising and commercial data, marketers gain deeper insights into the performance of ad campaigns and the underlying mechanisms of the TikTok algorithm. This presents an unparalleled opportunity for advertising marketing, enabling them to refine business strategies and make informed decisions that can have a significant impact on outcomes.

Perfect for
Attention digital marketers and businesses! TikTok's Commercial Content Library is your must-have tool for success!
Explore the TikTok Ad Library, gainning invaluable knowledge from competitor campaigns and learn from their successes and challenges.
And the Other Commercial Content section is a goldmine of opportunities. Unpaid content promoting brands, products, or services provides additional inspiration for your creative endeavors, helping you craft compelling campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

How to Use The TikTok's Commercial Content Library?

The sub-libraries listed below are accessible at library.tiktok.com. The Commercial Content Library is open to all and does not require a TikTok account for access, searching, or usage.

1. Ad Library

  1. Go to the CCL.
  2. Click Ad Library at the top of the page.
  3. Select the desired Ad target country, Ad type, and Ad published date.
  4. To find ads posted by a specific advertiser or using a certain keyword, enter an Advertiser name or keyword from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Search.
    ● Any ads that include the keyword searched or have a matching advertiser name with the search term may appear in the results.
    ● You can sort results by audience size, last shown date, and published date.
TikTok Ad Library

2. Other commercial content library

  1. Go to the CCL.
  2. Click Other Commercial Content at the top of the page.
  3. Select the desired Creator country and Posted date.
  4. To find content posted by a specific creator, enter a Creator username.
  5. Click Search. You can sort results by video views and posted date.
Commercial Content Library

How to Download Ads From Commercial Content Library?

TikTok's Commercial Content Library doesn't come with a native download feature, so if you want to save and download ads from TikTok Ad Library, you'll need to rely on external download tools. Here we will share you the best tool - Denote - Save TikTok & Facebook Ad (DNS) . It is an effective material gathering tool to save ads from everything. Not only does it support saving ads from the TikTok's Commercial Content Library, but it also allows you to save ads and videos from TikTok & Facebook & Instagram.

TikTok's Commercial Content Library,Save TikTok & Facebook Ad

Step 1: Install the Extension

Start by installing the "Denote - Save TikTok & Facebook Ad" Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store.

Step 2: Go to TikTok's Commercial Content Library

Please make sure you have installed the DNS extension. Once installed, go to TikTok Ad Library of Commercial Content Library.
According to the mentioned steps above, conduct ads search.

Step 3: Save Ads to Denote

After searching the ads you need, you will get a dropdown + a save button under every ads. The dropdown allows you to select what board you would like to save the ad to.

Before downloading ads, you'll need to register for a Denote account to save the ads in your own space. Once the registration is completed, you can freely use the DNS extension to save resources from TikTok's Commercial Content Library.

Step 4: Open Denote to View Your Saved Ads

When you save ads, it also include all the associated data from TikTok's Commercial Content Library, allowing you to see the data:
● Advertiser
● Ad paid for by
● location
● Shown time
● Unique users seen
● Targeting summry(Gender & Age)

Easily access the Denote page by clicking the "View Ads" button to review the saved advertisement information. You can download ads in bulk or organize them in your space for efficient management.


TikTok's Commercial Content Library is a game-changer for digital marketers, providing valuable insights into ad performance and the TikTok algorithm. While it lacks a native download feature, tools like Denote - Save TikTok & Facebook Ad enable users to save ads from the library and other platforms. Embracing this resource will empower businesses to reach wider audiences and optimize their advertising efforts on TikTok.